**__Welcome To Dipplin’s Diner__**
**Welcome to Dipplin’s Diner! Come join us in our Paldea themed Gaming Server! While we still love our beloved Dipplin and the Paldea Region, we decided to expand our horizons even more!!**
**We are a multiplatform gaming server and social hub. We play everything from Pokemon to Among Us. The Owner and Co-owners wanted to make a fun, family oriented space for all ages from 13+ to have fun in. We value safety and teamwork above all else**
**__What we offer:__**
*• Self Roles*
*• Booster Perks*
*• Active Staff helping create a fun and exciting space where you feel comfortable.*
*• All new gaming section featuring games like
Among us and Fortnite*
*• Poketwo section including 10 channels for all members and an additional 10 for Server Boosters.*
*• Guides to help members use our Sysbots for SV, SwSh, PLA, BDSP, and LGPE*
*•Fun game nights and streams*
*•Drama free zone where everyone is welcome*
Welcome to Disboost, the listing service for both big and small servers! Find your favourite Discord server-- or list your own and watch it grow big quickly and efficiently.
Feel free to check out our support page.
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Feel free to join our support server!
We're actively looking for partners! If your server has more than 5,000 members, please visit our partners page for more information.