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Disboost Premium

Discover all of our premium features below

Claim master

Claim master

By purchasing this pack, the server you choose will be able to claim Master.

This means that they will be the #1 server on Disboost until the next server purchases it.

There is a minimum time of 15 minutes up until indefinitely.


The server will also be shouted upon joins to servers that participate to the master program.

This means that your server will be reaching hundreds if not thousands of people within minutes.


Disboost Premium (1 day)

Try out Disboost Premium!

Premium servers on Disboost will receive a bonus bump point.

They will also receive the "Premium" badge on their server.

Premium servers generally attract more traffic because they will be taken more seriously.


This pack will be applied per day (For example 7 Premium packs equals 7 days of Premium).

Looking for a subscription? Check out your Dashboard.


Autobumps (1 day)

Servers that have autobump enabled will not have to bump their servers each hour.

Along with Premium, this can be a powerful tool to stay on the front page of Disboost.


This pack will be applied per day (For example 7 autobumps equals 7 days of autobumps being enabled).




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We're actively looking for partners! If your server has more than 5,000 members, please visit our partners page for more information.

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